teisipäev, jaanuar 31, 2017

Aivar Mesilane: "hea must iroonia mu USA FB sõbra postituses."

Lühitõlge: kallid Texase maakonna sõbrad,meil oleks vaja, et te aitaksite põgenikest lõgismadudele uut kodu leida. Me usume, et enamus neist on head maod, aga mõni võib sind hammustada ilma provotseerimata ja mõned on välja õpetatud ennast heade madude hulka peitma,et sind hammustada ja tappa!! Aga muidu on kõik ok,me lihtsalt ei oska vahet teha hea ja halva lõgismao vahel!!!


Fellow Texans, these Rattlesnakes are in need of a home. They're refugees from the Hill Country pushed out by snake hunting, and feral hogs. Now, we think most of these are good snakes and won't bite you, but we are sure some of these will bite you without provocation. We can't tell you which snakes in the bunch are the ones that will kill you because they all came in together and we can't tell which is which! Some of the biting ones were actually trained to seek out anyone and bite and to hide among the good ones. Our federal government has promised to figure it out, so don't worry.

So who wants to give all these snakes a good home?

Allikas: Dave Schultz‎ - (postitas gruppi) God-Bless-Texas

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